Perfect Design Create Perfect Appearance
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Saturday, May 9, 2009

What is Appearance?

What is Appearance?

Appearance is the result of how you design yourself.
Design includes your Personality, your hairstyle, your Laughing Style, your dress, your steps, your talking style, your looks and your communication style with others.

Appearance is the key factor how others receive you.

So it needs to be perfectly designed.

Tools of Design for Perfect Appearance

In order to Develop a Perfect Appearance, it needs to be perfectly designed. So, you have to follow some major tools for design.

Such as:

1. Personality.

2. Confidence.

3. Skin Type.

4. Talking Style.

5. Walking Style.

6. Hair Style.

7. Dress-up.

8. Communication Style.

9. Body Language

Whenever you come to know how to design these tools, you will get a nice appearance that will focus you to others at first look.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Body Language is a tool of Design for Perfect Appearance

In order to achieve a perfect appearance we need to design us perfectly. One of the major tool of design is body language. Our appearance is mostly depends on our body language.

What is Body Language?

Body Language is the unspoken communication with another human being.

Body language helps us to express our feelings properly and also helps us to receive others reaction.

About 60-80% of our message is communicated through our Body Language, only 7-10% through conversation.

Laughing Style is a tool of Design for Perfect Appearance

As your goal is having a perfect appearance to others, so that a major tool of design of appearance is your Laughing Style.

Measure your Laughing Style:

From now on just pay a single attention to view yourself whenever you laugh. Try to measure people's reaction when you are laughing.

How do you laugh when you are alone?

How do you laugh when you are with your friends?

How do you laugh when you are in a special party?

How do you laugh when you are in your office?

How do you laugh when you are with your dear one?

Whenever you finished measuring your laughing Style, now you try to measure what was the reaction of the people around you at the time you are laughing.

Laughter is the powerful tool for your appearance, so design it with your heart.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Talking Style is a tool of Design for Perfect Appearance

Do you know how you talk?

Is it comfortable to your listener?

Most of us never notice what is our style of talking.

No matter how you design yourself, if your talking style is not up to the mark, everything will go in vain.

So, Talking style is one of the major tool of Design for perfect appearance.

It is true that talking style varies with environment and the people with whom you are talking with.

Arrange your words before you talk, utter your words gently and particularly.

Let your listener understand your every word perfectly.

Don'y let your face moves too much while you are talking, let your eyes straight to the listener.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Personality is a tool of Design for Perfect Appearance

Perfect Appearance Depends on perfect design. One of the major tools for appearance is Personality. Your design of yourself will be uncompleted without having a nice personality.

Personality can be illustrated in many forms, Such as:

1. People having this type of Personality runs toward perfection, cleanliness, principles and to the right things as a way to be happy. They run from being bad or being wrong, imperfection and mess.

[Do you love principles, accuracy and being right?

Then you fall under this type of personality]

2. People having this type of personality always remain busy with helping others, giving them advice and busying themselves looking after everyone. They miss out big time because they forget about their own needs.

[Are you big hearted, sweet, always looking after everyone?

Then you fall under this type of personality]

3. People having this type of personality runs from failure and towards success by multi tasking, achieving their goals and looking good.

[Are you charming, successful and popular?

Then you fall under this type of Personality]

4. People having this type of personality runs to the highest of joys or the lowest of despair : anything to avoid a flat passionless life!

[Do you feel your emotions more intensely than anyone else?

Then you fall under this type of Personality]

5. People having this type of personality always runs towards facts, data and a continuous stream of knowledge.

[Do you love to store millions of informations in your own head?

Then you fall under this type of Personality]

6. People having this type of personality is friendly, loyal and responsible but little bit fear sparks here. They runs for safety and security to avoid fear such as they may smile to be a friend with you so that you don't be a threat to them.

[Do you feel yourself faithful but also have a feeling that the world is a dangerous place so you need to make sure everyone is safe?

Then you fall under this type of Personality]

7. People having this type of personality runs from pain like its the most dangerous virus. They inclined towards fun and adventure.

[Do you love to escape into pleasurable activities which are highly imaginative so that all your friends think you are good fun?

Then you fall under this type of Personality]

8. People having this type personality hates the feeling of ever being weak, down or powerless. So they jumps toward power and leadership.

[Do you have restless energy? love to talk straight? explodes in seconds?

Then you fall under this type of Personality]

9. People having this type of personality fears and hates any type of conflict.

[Do you feel uncomfortable when there is any sort of conflict happening in your life?

Then you fall under this type of Personality]

So, what is your personality?

Always keep in mind that your appearance mostly depends on your personality.

So design it perfectly.

Skin is a tool of Design for Perfect Appearance

Skin type is one of the most important tool for design. In order to design yourself perfectly you need to know what is your skin type.

Most of the areas of our body remain covered with what we are wearing. But when people see us, their first look fall on our uncovered areas specially on our faces.

Our appearance mostly depends on how we look like, so you need to know your skin type properly. After knowing that you can apply the suitable treatment of skin for your ultimate appearance.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Determine Your Skin type

There are five basic types of skin:

1. Normal Skin.
2. Dry Skin.
3. Oily Skin.
4. Combination skin.
5. Sensitive skin.

How to determine Skin type?

To determine your skin type just wipe out your face with a facial tissu when you awake from sleep in the morning.

1. If you don't find any traces of oil in tissu & your skin feels vibrant and elastic then your skin belongs to normal type.

2. If your skin is dry, the paper will be clean, too, but your face skin will feel flaky, dry, and tight after you have wiped it.

3. If the paper will have spots of facial oil on it, corresponding to the areas of your cheeks, nose, and forehead then your skin belongs to oily type. Oily Skin is problematic - it usually looks greasy, thick and shiny.

4. If you find oil in tissu that coming from your nose and forehead but not from your cheeks then your skin belongs to combination skin just like most women.

5. Sensitive skin is usually very dry, your skin will feel tight, and becomes inflamed and irritated easily. Sensitive skin develops reddish and scaly areas.